THE GIFTED ADULT --- πŸ’œπŸ’œλ°©νƒ„μ†Œλ…„λ‹¨ λ·” πŸ’œπŸ’œKim Taehyung a.k.a “V” -

Deirdre Lovecky, a renowned psychologist who specializes in the needs of gifted children, discovered five traits this group of gifted adults had in common. The five traits are: divergency, excitability, sensitivity, perceptivity, and entelechy. Let’s have a look at each of these qualities individually.
Divergency - involves a preference for unusual, original, and creative thinking. Divergent thinking is of positive social and emotional value. Gifted adults who are strong divergent thinkers are able to find creative solutions to problems and to challenge stereotypes. They tend to be open-minded and enthusiastic about novel and original ideas.
BTS V is no doubt has this way of thinking, V is the type of person who always think outside of the box. He is always the one who looks for ways other than the norm. He can create many solutions in one problem.

Excitability confers energy – seemingly boundless energy at times – that fuels drive and passion and persistence. Many entrepreneurs and inventors have been reported to have this trait. And the energy that comes with excitability can fuel personal pursuits as well as professional projects or career-focused goals. Commonly this energy can be sustained to propel activity and engagement with new pursuits and projects.

As we all know, BTS V is an energy machine since pre-debut era. Even, the members could not understand him. But, it’s just because his mind keeps on working and when they are not doing anything, he has to put this energy into use somehow. So, either he’s doing skits, or just anything. So, him being called "Alien" was just unfair. (he is just gifted afterall). In the video below, you can see how energetic he was. (Just ignore the thumbnail of Alien)
Sensitivity as it pertains to gifted adults results in an awareness of the feelings and emotional tone of others. Gifted adults who are sensitive in this way are aware of nuances in the feeling tone of other people and often within the environment as well. One highly gifted and sensitive adult that I’ve worked with said, “I can walk into a room and tell if there is a calm in the space or if a disagreement has taken place or some other distress has been experienced.” Sensitivity is frequently seen as the flip-side to excitability – or overexcitability. Sensitivity requires an awareness and perhaps a stillness that allows for feelings and insights to emerge from deep within.
An example of this was when V pulled a crying Jimin to a room as he could feel his best friend’s predicament at that time. Early on, V was also sensitive enough to know how shy Jungkook was and he helped him to come out of his shell.
Perceptivity, according to Lovecky, is “the ability to view several aspects of a situation simultaneously, to understand several layers of self within another, and to see quickly to the core of an issue.” Gifted adults with the quality of perceptivity tend to be intuitive and to be able to understand the feelings and motivations of others. Individuals with perceptivity are often skilled at sensing both truth and incongruency – in oneself, in others, and in the environment. Adults gifted with perceptivity may be aware that others hear flowers signing even before they are. Indeed, perceptivity undergirds both interpersonal and intrapersonal awareness along with social and environmental awareness. The gifted adults’ perceptions may be unnerving to others who don’t share these abilities.
Again, this is very “Taehyung”. In one of the Bon Voyage episode where he was pranked, he was perceptive enough to know that the members were acting. There were so many times that he would know also, if they are lying or not.
Perceptive. If someone calls you perceptive, they mean you are good at understanding things or figuring things out. Perceptive people are insightful, intelligent, and able to see what others cannot. Perceive means "to see"; so, perceptive is a word to describe someone who is good at seeing.
Entelechy (Realization of potential) . comes from the Greek word for having a goal. Entelechy contributes to self-development and to self-actualizations across the lifespan. Entelechy helps to further focus one’s caring and motivation. Aware of one’s self-development and self- actualization, gifted adults with entelechy are often aware of these processes in others as well. Teachers, therapists, and doctors, among others, are often high in this trait as they care for the well-being of others, too. Entelechy provides the capacity to connect with others on a deep level and to express deep feelings in the context of relationship.
BTS V knows and uses his potentials although not to the fullest yet as he is still in the confines of BigHit. He is a singer, dancer, producer, actor, model and he excels in all of those areas. Scenery, a song he composed, is an example of sensitivity and perceptivity, the way it was presented with different sounds like train, snow, camera clicks, etc. It captures the listeners, as if we could feel what was happening, the lyrics also say it all and we could feel with him, his thoughts, his story... Another is "Winter Bear", this song and the video that accompanied it screams genius. V directed it with so much passion using methapors, symbols, hidden meanings and . emotions. He is really a great artist. Only few people can make others feel so much emotions in a song and V is one of them.

These five characteristics clearly confer many advantages. They also present some challenges. Being a gifted adult who is also sensitive and intense in these multiple ways often results in having a sense of being different than others. Unless a gifted individual is able to connect with others who also encounter the adult gifted experience --- loneliness and isolation may result. Organizations and activities for gifted children – while not as common as one might hope – are accessible. Fewer opportunities present themselves for gifted adults to gather together.

Sometimes, we may yearn for that one significant friend with whom we can share all of our selves, our experiences, and our interests. ex. Actress Ha ji-won who is also an art ethusiast. V could talk to her various things about art. (Also gladly there were six members to do that with him, too ) If, however, we have wide-ranging interests or interests we hold with great passion and depth, one friend may not match with all of these parts of ourselves. And so, Lovecky suggested that gifted adults – due in no small part to their depth and complexity – may need multiple friends, each of whom connects to some interest, quality, or activity that we hold dear. Like gifted children who have different friends for math club, soccer, drama, and afterschool play, we too may need to have friends that match well with different aspects of ourselves. So, somehow it explains why V has a lot of friends, he needs someone for every depth and complexity he has, so he can connect with them with different aspects of himself.


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